Your business is unique, and your website should be too! We don't use pre-built templates, meaning your site will stand out amongst your competitors. We can hand code a fast, reliable, bespoke website for your company or organisation, from single page brochure sites to full-blown web applications or e-commerce solutions
Using modern trends, we can create custom designs that are made to suit you and your company in this ever growing digital space. All of our designs are made to stand out hel[ing your business achieve its goals.
If you need a software solution for your business and off-the shelf apps just won't do we can make a bespoke app to fit the bill.
When PCS Welding came to us they already had a website that they liked the look of, however, its loading speeds were incredibly slow. We took the overall design and re-coded the site from the ground up avoiding platforms like wordpress which cause slow speeds on complex sites and instead coded the site by hand like we do for all of our other sites. The site now runs nice and smooth while keeping the striking design.
Norwich Yoga Central has a lot of special features including client accounts, class booking and a lot more. It as essential for the site to become a hub for all current clients while also being a key tool for attracting new ones. Using a minimalistic design while keeping a modern feel allows for easy usability while keeping the site looking fresh.
Your home is a prime example of why our monthly fee comes in handy. When Kitchens by Design came to us they wanted a fairly simple and cheap site but over time they banked time that could be used on updating the site and when they changed to Your Home this was the perfect time to cash in on the hours saved leading to a complete site refresh bringing the site into modern times and giving it a more bespoke design.
Beauly Homes came to us with their domain but wasnt ready for a website just yet. If this is the case for you we can do exactly what we did here and build a construction page for your site while you work out what you would like to do going forward. This gives viewers a quick view of your company and some contact points so that they can get in touch while your site is in the works.
Acle Bridge Inn was in the same boat as PCS Welding. They had a site with a decnt design but over time things started to become clunky with the overall feel and design and needed to be updated. We took their design and remade the site by hand allowing for future updates to be made easily while keeping its overall design with a few tweaks to increase usability.
When B24 came to us they already had a site that was made using Wix. This site featured many problems and served purely for customers to look at a menu. The brief for this site was fairly free for us and the only key element that had to be kept was their shade of green. The updated design makes the site a lot easier to look at while acting as a great advertising tool for their business and retaiining its original use of menus.